PHP is gaining positive reputation for its system administration and client-side application evelopment capabilities. This administration and development is accomplished using the PHP-GTK extension. You can take advantage of client-side applications by implementing language bindings for the GTK (the GIMP Toolkit) library for creating cross-platform graphical user interfaces.

Pro PHP-GTK acts as both a definitive reference and a hands-on tutorial to the PHP-GTK extension. The book couples the extension's key topics with practical examples to guide you through a real-world project: developing a database-driven client-side inventory manager. You'll also learn how to integrate this feature with other emerging technologies like SOAP and RSS, and how to generate XML-based interfaces.

Características de la descarga:

Tipo: E-BookS
Formato: Pdf
Compresión: Winrar
Hospeda: Megaupload
Peso: 5.03 MB
Idioma: ingles

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libro de PRO PHP GTK


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